Q - Assalamualaikum and very good morning
A - Wa'alaikummusslam and good morning to you
Q - Can u spent some of your golden time to me for my interviews??
A - Of cause can. U can interview me now because I not busy right now.
A- Name : Aspalela Binti Ghazali
Field : Hotel Industries (Hospitality)
Ages : 41 years
Position : Front Office Manager
Service : 15 years ++
Q - Describe your job in De Rhu Beach Resort?
A - Oversea of Front Office operation, department budget, planning for department, Part of management team up keeping good reputation of De Rhu Beach Resort.
Q- Tell about experience working in De Rhu Beach Resort?
A - To be part of management team and work closely with the owner. Enjoy working with the environment.
Q - What is your greatest contribution as long as you serve in De Rhu Beach Resort?
A - Generate higher revenue and Average Room Rate (ARR) for Hotel. That's everybody can share the profit.
Q - What are your expectations of De Rhu Beach Resort after 5 years?
A - To be recognized not only in Malaysia but in the world ( In term of good name).
Q - Okay, thanks for spending your time and I really appreciate it.
A - Ok, You’re welcome.
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